Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Most Teens Play Violent Video Games

I wrote this article because now a days children and teenagers spend more time on TV and videogames rather than doing any other sort of activities. Video games have a very big influence on children and teenagers especially ages 13-17. Video games come in different forms; however, the ones that grab most of the children’s and teenager’s attention are violent games. Young boys do not think clearly when playing games, they don’t differentiate it from reality, what they see they apply.

They learn violence from video games, and according to what the article had mentioned that boys who play violent games act more aggressively than boys who don’t play violent video games. In my opinion parents should play a role in explaining to their child what video games are and how to deal with them. Boys who play video games become very influence by what they see and they start acting in the same way thinking that what they see is very “cool” and if they act in a violent way people might like them more.

Violent video games should be supervised and checked before given to any boy, and they should be made for certain ages. Since boys spend more time on videogames than any other activities obviously they learn more from these videogames and not from books or other sorts of other entertainments. However the more these boys play violent videogames , the more they would become violent and act aggressively, and over the time they will get used to watching violent acts and will not react to them I a sensitive way but learn more and become more aggressive.

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